Friday, January 29, 2010

Making a connection.

What is it like to reach out and call someone you haven't spoken to in 5 years?  That's a long time for me to not speak to someone and still have their number on my cell phone.  Whenever I've gone through my phone to delete old numbers, this always feels so obnoxious but completely necessary, I would skip over this particular friend, saying to myself, "I'll call him... I'll call him."  Years passed me by and I still couldn't seem to find the right time.  Nothing negative passed between us, we didn't end our last conversation badly or positively, we just stopped conversing.  I moved elsewhere, began a busy, busy job and failed to continue the friendship.
Originally, I had assumed that whomever I decided to call would be hard for me, that perhaps I would let this challenge slip down to the bottom of my list, but when I realized who I would be calling, (he's all I've got left on my phone from that long ago), I made the call immediately.  I thought I'd have trouble hitting the send button, but it was a breeze.  It was the right thing to do.  He answered after the fourth ring with a huge smile on his face and a "Wow!...  Suuuuuu-nie."  It was wonderful to hear his voice, his smile, his happiness shining through the phone.  He was thrilled to hear from me- said he was blushing, which made me blush.  The conversation was sweet, respectful and charming.  We ended with plans to talk again soon and perhaps he'd make a visit to my new home.  (I live in a heavenly place.  Did I tell you?  Cape Cod.)
Talk about breaking up the monotony of the everyday life.  This is a great challenge.  And may not be as challenging as you'd think.  Somehow I picked the right person to reconnect with, and the right time to connect.  Although I went back to my regular lifestyle, I now have the pleasure of feeling fortunate to have such a good friend, to know that I made his day and my own as well.  I can walk around with my head a little higher, knowing that I recreated a wonderful connection, even if for just a half an hour.  Knowing that you can have such a deep effect on someone else's life can be motivating and quite endearing.  It made my month.  Try it.

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